Registration is now closed.   We look forward to having you join us next year.

Attendee Registration 

Registration Rates

2-Day Early-Bird Registration (available until 9/22/23) ---------$140.00 

State Government Employee Registration--------------------$75.00

Student Rate ---------------------------------------------------------$30.00

Women in Cybersecurity (Monday Only/Women Only) -----------$40.00

Student Women in Cybersecurity (Monday Only/Women Only) -----------$10.00

Payment Options

  1.  Pay via credit card during online registration (we accept Visa and Mastercard)
  2.  Mail a check payable to the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs to:

Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs
Cybersecurity Summit
PO Box 14587
Madison WI, 53708-0587

Questions:  Contact Dawn Zanoni at (608) 266-3978 or