Deals Co-op

The Travel Wisconsin deals program is an opportunity to promote your package, deal or promotion to attract more visitors.The program includes a web listing on for as long as your promotion is running. We are excited to present a web listing free of charge in 2021 to help you achieve your goals.  Want drive even more traffic your website and bring in more customers? Upgrade your participation and get featured in an email to over 51,000 subscribers!


The Deals co-op program is open to Destination Marketing Organizations and Tourism-Related Businesses, Attractions & Events. Submission should offer a package, deal, discount or promotion to travelers. Submissions should contain a specific and compelling offer. All participants are subject to Wisconsin Department of Tourism approval.

Asset Development

Deal partners provide a deal headline, basic details or description of the offer, a click-through URL and high-quality imagery. Upon signup, partners should specify a date range for the deal to run.

Cost and Frequency

Website listings are free of charge once again in 2021! Upgrade your participation with an email distribution for a $150 investment.

There is a limit of two website deals submitted per month, per partner.  Deals emails will be limited to four (4) partner features per deployment.


Materials must be submitted at least two weeks prior to desired deployment date and are accepted on a first come, first served basis.

*The following email layout is for sample purposes and is subject to change.